#NYCoRE2016 Keynote by Bettina Love now online!

Imagining Mattering: Hip Hop Civics Ed, Intersectionality & Black Joy

Dr. Bettina Love discussed how Hip Hop Civics Ed, when linked to the framework of intersectionality, creates a space where Black lives matter and analytic sensibilities are nurtured to engage students in the work of fighting for visibility, inclusion, and justice. Her talk ended by calling for educators not only to teach students about racial violence, oppression, and how to make sustainable change in their communities through innovative and radical civic initiatives and movements, but also to expose youth to the possibilities that come with envisioning a world built on Black joy.

Dr. Love’s talk featured audio and video from Justis Lopez, conference DJ and visual artist, is an educational activist, MC and DJ for Justis League Entertainment. He received his MA from the Neag School of education at UConn and is currently a social studies teacher at Manchester High School, CT.




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